- Winamp skins and tutorials
Endless rain
in Public bookmarks with tools tutorials winamp
- ~ HCC Cosplay ~ [tons of tutorials in one place]
in Clothing tools and tutorials with clothing cosplay hcc place tons tools tutorials
- Appropriate use of "osu"
Shotokan Karate. The Internet's #1 resource for practical advice and information about Shotokan Karate since 1995
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- bssm encyclopaedia [Sailor moon charater designs- manga in English]
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- Character Designs for Utena
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- Cosplay Resources (links on how to do a LOT of stuff) - TOKYOPOP Message Board
Cosplay Resources (links on how to do a LOT of stuff) Fashion
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- Cottage Chic Fabric Shabby Roses Fabric available at The Fabric Queen
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- Etsy Labs
Long Overdue Fusing Plastic Bag Tutorial
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- Firefly Path - Tutorials
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- GAvSim.net :: Tools
Event Timer
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- Gotham Public Works- Useful Resources, Links & Tutorials Archive
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- How to Make a Monster face [good for other type of cos]
The first step in creating a latex rubber Halloween mask is to sculpt a pattern in Oil-based clay. The clay is applied to a lifecast armature and roughed-out to establish the general shape. Gradually, as the clay is worked by hand, the sculpture begins to resemble your design idea. As the clay sculpture nears completion, fine sculpting tools are used to sculpt realistic details. The entire sculpting process can take several hours, or days, to complete. Once the Oil Based Clay sculpture is finished, it is ready to be molded.
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- Info on Bustles
Bustle page with pictures of bustled gowns and how the bustle was engineered.
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- kimono.fraise.net
Putting on a kimono: preparing the collar
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- Learn How To Crochet - First Step - How to Make a Starting Chain - Step-by-Step Photos
Step-by-step photos show in easy steps how to make a starting chain for crochet, which is the first step for learning crocheting. If you've ever thought about learning how to crochet, this is the place to start.
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- Lolita Fashion
For Lolitas of All Styles
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- Pattern for home slippers
Burda Style is the newest resource for fashion online.
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- Prisila [Cosplay wigs]
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- Random number generator - Random numbers - RNG - RandomNumberGenerator.com
Random Number Generator provides free, custom random numbers for the
lottery or games. Get lucky in Lotto with RandomNumbergenerator.com
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- Temporal-Princess.net [arina scans]
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