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  • Drinking Pure Barley Juice Is As Good As Eating Pounds of Nutritious Vegies
    If you're among the 70% of adults who aren't getting their recommended daily servings of vegetables—and the thought of eating 10 servings of spinach, collards, kale, green beans and peppers, and other green vegetables doesn't sound appealing (or possible for you to do)— you have the option of taking pure barley juice instead.
    in Public bookmarks with barley_capsules barley_powder pure_barley pure_barley_juice sante_barley
    Note: If you're among the 70% of adults who aren't getting their recommended daily servings of vegetables—and the thought of eating 10 servings of spinach, collards, kale, green beans and peppers, and other green vegetables doesn't sound appealing (or possible for you to do)— you have the option of taking ...more pure barley juice instead.

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