Divertigeek, du divertissement geek, pour geeks Geek news and entertainment for geeks who speaks primarily in French. / Des nouvelles et du divertissement geek pour geek s'exprimant dans la langue de Molière. in Public bookmarkswith comicsgeeksci_fi Note: Geek news and entertainment for geeks who speaks primarily in French. / Des nouvelles et du divertissement geek pour geek s'exprimant dans la langue de Molière.
Games4U The resource you were looking for games and tech in Public bookmarkswith gamesgeektech Note: The resource you were looking for games and tech
Geek and Hype Blog about trends, high-tech and luxury. The best French only magazine for hype culture! in Public bookmarkswith geekgeek_and_hypehype Note: Blog about trends, high-tech and luxury. The best French only magazine for hype culture!
Geek4U Take a look at new ideas around the world for geeky stuff. in Public bookmarkswith geeknewstech Note: Take a look at new ideas around the world for geeky stuff.
GeekRobots Geek entertainment and news. Funny images and video for the geek and the not so geek. in Public bookmarkswith geekgeekrobotsgeeks Note: Geek entertainment and news. Funny images and video for the geek and the not so geek.