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  • Divertigeek, du divertissement geek, pour geeks
    Geek news and entertainment for geeks who speaks primarily in French. / Des nouvelles et du divertissement geek pour geek s'exprimant dans la langue de Molière.
    in Public bookmarks with comics geek sci_fi
    Note: Geek news and entertainment for geeks who speaks primarily in French. / Des nouvelles et du divertissement geek pour geek s'exprimant dans la langue de Molière.
  • Games4U
    The resource you were looking for games and tech
    in Public bookmarks with games geek tech
    Note: The resource you were looking for games and tech
  • Geek and Hype
    Blog about trends, high-tech and luxury. The best French only magazine for hype culture!
    in Public bookmarks with geek geek_and_hype hype
    Note: Blog about trends, high-tech and luxury. The best French only magazine for hype culture!
  • Geek4U
    Take a look at new ideas around the world for geeky stuff.
    in Public bookmarks with geek news tech
    Note: Take a look at new ideas around the world for geeky stuff.
  • GeekRobots
    Geek entertainment and news. Funny images and video for the geek and the not so geek.
    in Public bookmarks with geek geekrobots geeks
    Note: Geek entertainment and news. Funny images and video for the geek and the not so geek.

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