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  • Carolyn Dean
    Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., is a medical doctor, naturopath, acupuncturist, homeopath, herbalist, and certified clinical nutritionist, and a regular guest on radio and television programs.
    in Public bookmarks with carolyn_dean carolyn_dean_md supplements
    Note: Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., is a medical doctor, naturopath, acupuncturist, homeopath, herbalist, and certified clinical nutritionist, and a regular guest on radio and television programs.
  • Carolyn Dean
    At, under Dean Wellness, you can find a list of food and supplement resources including food-based organic vitamins and angstrom-size minerals that Dr. Dean recommends.
    in Public bookmarks with carolyn_dean carolyn_dean_md minerals
    Note: At, under Dean Wellness, you can find a list of food and supplement resources including food-based organic vitamins and angstrom-size minerals that Dr. Dean recommends.
  • Carolyn Dean MD
    Dr. Carolyn Dean is both a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor who assists individuals with all types of illness at any stage or severity. She has been in the forefront of health issues for twenty-eight years.
    in Public bookmarks with carolyn_dean carolyn_dean_md medical_doctor
    Note: Dr. Carolyn Dean is both a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor who assists individuals with all types of illness at any stage or severity. She has been in the forefront of health issues for twenty-eight years.
  • Carolyn Dean MD, ND
    As a conventionally-trained medical doctor who has earned additional degrees in naturopathic medicine, clinical nutrition, and acupuncture, Carolyn Dean is the paradigmatic “Doctor of the Future.”
    in Public bookmarks with carolyn_dean carolyn_dean_md naturopathic_medicine
    Note: As a conventionally-trained medical doctor who has earned additional degrees in naturopathic medicine, clinical nutrition, and acupuncture, Carolyn Dean is the paradigmatic “Doctor of the Future.”
  • Death by Modern Medicine
    Death by Modern Medicine goes far beyond the statistics of deaths due to drugs. It shows how the allopathic medical monopoly has created a Health Care system that fails to encourage good health, especially by prevention.
    in Public bookmarks with carolyn_dean carolyn_dean_md death_by_modern_medicine
    Note: Death by Modern Medicine goes far beyond the statistics of deaths due to drugs. It shows how the allopathic medical monopoly has created a Health Care system that fails to encourage good health, especially by prevention.
  • Magnesium Miracle Carolyn Dean
    Magnesium is indeed the unsung hero and is a key nutriceutical that everybody needs to know about. This book needs to be read by any individual wishing to improve their quality of life.
    in Public bookmarks with carolyn_dean carolyn_dean_md magnesium_miracle
    Note: Magnesium is indeed the unsung hero and is a key nutriceutical that everybody needs to know about. This book needs to be read by any individual wishing to improve their quality of life.
  • Miracle of Magnesium
    Magnesium deficiency triggers or causes the following 22 conditions; the introduction of magnesium either by a high magnesium diet, with green drinks, or magnesium supplements, can help alleviate these conditions.
    in Public bookmarks with carolyn_dean carolyn_dean_md magnesium
    Note: Magnesium deficiency triggers or causes the following 22 conditions; the introduction of magnesium either by a high magnesium diet, with green drinks, or magnesium supplements, can help alleviate these conditions.

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