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  • Library of Congress Online Catalogs
    The Library of Congress collections include over 110 million items in a variety of formats and languages. The catalog information for many of these items has appeared in a number of traditional card catalogs located in the Library. Much of the information in these catalogs is also searchable over the Internet. This page links to the two methods for search the main Library of Congress Online Catalog and to several specialized catalogs for prints and photographs (PPOC), for sound recordings (SONIC) and a Z39.50 gateway to the main catalog data.
    The Library of Congress collections include over 110 million items in a variety of formats and languages. The catalog information for many of these items hasappeared in a number of traditional card catalogs located in the Library. Much of the information in these catalogs is also searchable over the Internet. This page links to the two methods for search the main Library of Congr
    bibliographic books browse catalog catalogs congress keyword library maps marc music online records research search serials
    in Public bookmarks with 110 collections congress formats include library million variety by 13 users

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