- Parties argue over taxes for municipal maintenance
Watchful upkeep is hugely important in all aspects of life, be it in compliance maintenance or equipment maintenance. But when you don't have the proper channels of decision making and funding, things can go wrong, and that's not going to be good for any of your clients.
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- Problems Lead to Lower Apartment Demand
Walk into an apartment that does not look good and an apartment hunter may hardly consider what exactly is wrong with the place – just that they don't like it.
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- Stopping the problems at their root
Like so many other forms of procrastination, deferred maintenance can feel good in the short term, but in the long term, too often those chickens come home to roost. What saves money for the moment will often cause huge price tags down the line.
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- Unmatched Enterprise Management Software Solutions
The eRPortal™ Software Group is a developer and leading provider of enterprise asset management, maintenance management, and materials tracking software that enable companies to better manage their operations and strategic assets.
in Public bookmarks with asset computerized enterprise hazardous maintenance management material materials software by 2 users
- Vigilant maintenance keeps operations set in case of emergency
Unexpected emergencies are a great enemy of those involved in maintenance – any number of outside problems can suddenly cause an entity to fall behind in their most prioritized projects, showing the need for constant vigilance.
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- Weather can make maintenance difficult
Give humans another few centuries, and maybe they'll be able to control the weather – but for now, it's left up to random chance. Even though meteorologists – despite what unhappy golfers may tell you – have gotten better and better at predicting what's just around the corner, surprises with the weather can cause serious damage for people such as municipal maintenance managers.
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- When looking for funding, software tools can be helpful
Even as the economy recovers from the Great Recession of the previous decade, budgets for areas such as campus maintenance or similar operations are often tighter than any manager would like to see.
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- Working hard to avoid deferred maintenance projects
Staying on top of all asset maintenance is a very difficult task for any operation. Between tight budgets and small teams, there are any number of obstacles that stand between a manager and completing everything they would possibly hope for.
in Public bookmarks with asset blog cmms computerized erportal maintenance management projects software
- Working to repair winter damage with municipal maintenance
The winter months see a battery of issues on roads. From the constant salting and sanding preparations and treatments to the heaves and plows that can cause such enormous potholes, it's never a good time for the streets and avenues across the nation.
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