- Library Search (University of Westminster)
with articles books cases catalogue databases e-journals ejournals i-law.com lawtel legislation lexis library westlaw
- Bailii - free internet resources from British and Irish Legal Information Institute
with cases legislation www by 9 users
- Eagle-i
Internet portal to global legal information maintained by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
with www by 3 users
- Lawbore
News and links eg constitutional, contract, criminal from City University Law School
with www
- LawLinks: legal Information on the Internet
A comprehensive gateway service, offering annotated links to legal information on the internet compiled by the Templeman Library at the University of Kent
with www by 4 users
- Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice has responsibility for the UK justice system – the courts, prisons, probation services and attendance centres. Site includes Civil and Criminal Procudure Rules, consultation details and publications.
with courts government procedure by 3 users
- Direct.gov.uk
Portal site for UK government including A-Z list of central government departments
Directgov - the official UK government website for citizens
with government
- Law student online
Information from Thomson Reuters including podcasts on legal topics, videos on finding legislation, cases etc and how to get certified in Westlaw UK and Lawtel
with databases lawtel westlaw
- LawCampus
Support site from Lexis Library for law students, includeing help using the Lexis database, news on cases and legislation, and online communities
with cases databases legislation lexis news
- Legal Resources in UK and Ireland maintained by Delia Venables
The site contains registers of solicitors and barristers on the web and legal resources, mainly free, in the UK and Ireland.
academic advice agricultural alternativ and delia free journals law lawyer legal online resources solicitor solicitors venables
with www by 4 users
Bookmarks 1 - 10