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Analytical Tools in Financial Modeling - Horizontal Analysis Horizontal analysis helps identify abnormal changes over time, look at the illustration below.
Also known as Trends Statements, horizontal analysis may be performed in a financial model by means of:
Long-term trends - growth rate for a 10 year period
Year-to-year changes - indexed or percent changes
Geometric growth rates - compound annual growth rates (CAGR)
Horizontal analysis, whilst simple to execute and useful to a certain extent, has its limitations. These limitations include:
Being highly dependent on the selection of base year and the period under examination in the financial model.
Horizontal analysis provides little insight into why the trend occurred in a financial model.
Horizontal analysis does ... with abnormalanalysischangeshelpshorizontalidentifyillustrationtime MASTERS S.A. - Notowania - Największy i najlepszy portal finansowy. Informacje o gospodarce, inwestowaniu, finansach osobistych i prowadzeniu firmy. Kursy walut, notowania akcji, fundusze. Dane o wszystkich produktach bankowych: kredyty, konta, lokaty i karty kredytowej oraz informacje na tematy: kredyty, kredyt, podatki, waluty, giełda, bank, fundusze, kursy walut, euro, mbank, rachunek, banki with bankier.plfinansowygospodarceinformacjeinwestowaniunajlepszynajwikszyportal