1980 Games Old video and arcade games online for free. Pacman, Mario Bros Donkey kong, Space Invaders, Frogger and more. Emulators on site. with 1980games
Academia Web 2.0 in Academia Wikipedia: a phrase coined by OReilly Media in 2004, refers to a supposed second generation of Internet-based services such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users. with academia
AIM Express Send IMs to your friends without installing any software. The AIM Express® service is convenient whenever you're away from your home computer: at school, the office, or a friend's house. with aimchatmessengerwebby 3 users
AJAX file upload Ever wanted to upload files (using AJAX) like in GMAIL, without reloading the page? Now you can. Cross browser method to upload files using AJAX in only 1Kb of code. Tested in IE5.5+, FF1.0+, OP 8.0+ with ajaxuploadby 3 users
Ajax IM ajax im is a browser-based instant messaging client. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this "web application" to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript. with ajaxim
Ajax tooltip A nice tooltip script where the content of the tooltip is retrieved by Ajax from external files with ajaxtooltip
Baidu Baidu is the leading Chinese search engine which can search websites, audio files, and images. It has also an online collaboratively-built encyclopedia similar to Wikipedia (Baidu Baike), and a searchable keyword-based discussion forums. with baidusearch
BBC Adds Web 2.0 Buttons i noticed something interesting today. bbc news now has these common "digg", "delicious" and "reddit" buttons on the bottom of their news articles with bbcdiggnews
Chatsum Chatsum is a FREE add-on for your web browser that lets you chat with all the other Chatsum users that are looking at the same website as you. with ajaxchat
Cultural Differences in Communication Lynn Visson makes the following statements in her book, Wedded Strangers? The body language of Russians and Americans are different. Russians stand closer than Americans. They look directly and unwaveringly into your eyes.? with bodycommunicationlanguage
Dojo Toolkit Dojo is the Open Source JavaScript toolkit that helps you build serious applications in less time. It fills in the gaps where JavaScript and browsers don't go quite far enough, and gives you powerful, portable, lightweight, and tested tools for constructing dynamic interfaces. Dojo lets you prototype interactive widgets quickly, animate transitions, and build Ajax requests with the most powerful and easiest to use abstractions available. with ajaxframeworkjava
e-Messenger e-messenger web messenger is a web instant messaging that let you chat with AIM, AOL, MSN even if they are blocked by firewall. with chatmessengerwebby 3 users
Expedia Purchase airline tickets, make hotel reservations, find vacation packages, car rental & cruise deals at the travel agency rated #1 in customer satisfaction. with travel