The Mellow Musings of Dr. T Is C# becoming a functional language? As many of you will be aware, C#3.0 is adding a significant number of new language features. While the overall driving force behind putting these features in is the support of LINQ (Language INtegrated Query), the way we do it is strongly inspired by in Public bookmarkswith csharpgoodtbufunctional
Using DynamicObject to implement general proxy classes .NET-Framework 4.0 introduces the new class DynamicObject. It is a base class for defining dynamic behavior at run time. This library is based on this and wraps any existing object to extend its functionalities. Basically it allows the following: * Extend any class with INotifyPropertyChanged without any additional code * Using IEditableObject without any additional code to provide a simple commit/rollback mechanism * Provide a simple usage of ValidationAttributes to validate even yet uncommitted values based on the validation rules defined by the underlying class * Extend the defined ValidationAttributes for any property at runtime * Using IDataErrorInfo to provide validation error via data binding for the gui in Public bookmarkswith .netlibrariestbu