STM.NET Software Transactional Memory (STM.NET) is a mechanism for efficient isolation of shared state. The programmer demarcates a region of code as operating within a transaction that is “atomic” and “isolated” from other transacted code running concurrently. This is an experimental release of the .NET Framework that allows C# programmers to try out this technology in Public bookmarkswith .netconcurrencylibraries
This is the fifth and last post in my Interviewing the Parallel Programming Idols-Series. A lot of other potential interview partners have been suggested by some of my readers and I may get back to doing another round of this series after a while. in Public bookmarkswith .netconcurrencylinks
When I am talking on forums or to some of my students, from time to time I realize that I have gotten so used to expecting a certain vocabulary and certain concepts to be known to others that it isn't even funny. in Public bookmarkswith concurrencygood