Hello world! from Korea Fire Fighting Corporation 충약 소화기 Hello world! from Korea Fire Fighting Corporation September 13, 2007 at 12:36 pm · Filed under 공사, 대한, 사기, 소방, 소화기, 충약, 화재 Korea Fire Fighting Corporation, who are the inventor of Nude Fire Extinguisher, Transparent Plastics , established in 2002, for making a new type of fire extinguisher which can automatically suppress the fire occurred at same time that can be manually treated by hands. you can find the concept of this patented internationally fire extinguisher, which can be filled up with Dry Chemicals, Wet Chemicals, even Halon. in Public bookmarkswith ningnudeplsticpolycarbonatewebslideszephyr공사기술원누드대한사기소방소화기안전충약폴리카보네이트플라스틱한국 Note: ning, nude, fire, extinguisher, polycarbonate, plstic, bookmarks, myboomarks, diigo, webslides, Zephyr, Archangel, angel, Korea, fighting, corporation 누드, 소화기, 충약, 사기, 대한, 소방, 공사, 한국, 안전, 기술원, 폴리카보네이트, 플라스틱