Skinny jeans are hazardous to our health Be careful if you love your skinny jeans … Doctors have warned women about new condition called ” tingling thigh syndrome” caused by wearing tight skinny jeans. This type of conditions can cause burning sensation on thighs, swelling and permanent nerve damage. It is even very worse if your wearing skinny jeans with high heels , because high heels tilts pelvis forward, which increases the pressure on nerves and also leads to back pain . But if u cant pull wearing skinny jeans like me you should weigh less than 70 pounds. in Public bookmarkswith deceasesfashionhealthjeansproblemsskinnythighstips
Tips to Improve Eye Sight Naturally Do you have a bad eyesight or you are losing up your eye sight every time ? Many people are forced to rely on contact lenses and glasses to look or study. To rebuilt your eyes sight you should be aware of proper eye care. In this article I would be providing few tips to do so. in Public bookmarkswith eyehealthimprovesighttipsby 2 users