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  • Deepika Padukone is Bollywood Star of 2007
    She is the raising star and she shaked whole the bollywood in 2007 from film directors & producers to the fans of her and she didn't even left then smartest Indian cricketer,they too became too flat on her. What a year for Deepika and what a way to kick of her Career. Enjoy this thrilled packed Images of her.
    in Public bookmarks with 2007 bollywood deepika new of padukone star year
  • Ayesha Takia Cineblitz October Scans
    Ayesha Takia Cineblitz October Scans. Ayesha Takia and her beau Farhan Azmi, who have been looking each other for around two years will have the wedding bells ring for themselves at the year end.
    in Public bookmarks with babe bollywood killer the by 2 users
    Note: Ayesha Takia Cineblitz October Scans. Ayesha Takia and her beau Farhan Azmi, who have been looking each other for around two years will have the wedding bells ring for themselves at the year end.

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