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  • A Mindful Approach to New Year's Resolutions
    For whatever reason, lots of us simply choose the new year as an opportunity to resolve to do something this year that Greater Essex Counseling Services might have wanted to do for the last five. They could choose to start a new resolution at any time, but maybe the new year is just convenient because everyone else is doing it. But lots of people seem to fail their New Year's Resolutions. So, is there a better, more mindful approach to New Year's Resolutions?
    in Public bookmarks with alcohol-counseling
  • Alcohol Counseling and Support Service In Essex NJ
    The abuse of drugs or alcohol creates feelings of failure, destroys relationships, ruins financial standing. Greater Essex Counseling Services offers a workable treatment plan developed to address identified problems.
    in Public bookmarks with alcohol-counseling by 15 users

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