- BEEP BioEthics Education Project: Teaching resources for post 16 and A level science and biology
The BioEthics Education Project, offers information and teaching resources about the moral, ethical, social, economic, environmental and technological implications and applications of biology.
in Public bookmarks with bioethics by 2 users
- Catholic Insight Bioethics
in Religion with bioethics
- Ethics Updates - Bioethics, Cloning, & Reproductive Technologies
This site, Literature on Bioethics, Cloning, and Reproductive Technologies has information about the Human Genome Project.
in Religion with bioethics
- Intute: Health and Life Sciences - BioethicsWeb
This site 'is a gateway to evaluated, quality Internet resources relating to biomedical ethics, including ethical, social, legal and public policy questions arising from advances in medicine and biology, issues relating to the conduct of biomedical resear
in Public bookmarks with bioethics by 3 users
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics - Nuffield Council on Bioethics
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics examines ethical issues raised by new developments in biology and medicine. Topics on which reports are available include animal research, stem cells, patenting DNA, genetically modified crops, etc.
in Public bookmarks with bioethics
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