- swf Image Replacement
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts.
in Scripting > JavaScript with css flash html javascript webdesign
- 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without
Smashing Magazine
CSS is important. And it being used more and often. Cascading Style Sheets offer many advantages you don't have in table-layouts - first of all a strict separation between layout, or design the page, information,
caption centering corners css-based image links replacement tables
in Public bookmarks with css by 46 users
- Aardvark Firefox Extension
in Public bookmarks with browser css extensions webdesign by 5 users
- ApatheticConformity
CSS Reboot Spring 2006
I have a goal. To complete a full Ironman triathlon, this year, on September 24th, 2011 at RedMan Triathlon in Oklahoma City. These are my thoughts and training in preparation for it!
in Public bookmarks with css
- Balthisar Software: Cascade
Freeware CSS Editor
in Public bookmarks with css editor freeware
- Bradbury Software: TopStyle Light
Freeware CSS Editor
TopStyle is a powerful tool for creating standards-compliant Web sites. Written by the creator of HomeSite, TopStyle is a single editor for CSS, HTML and xHTML.
in Public bookmarks with css editor freeware by 2 users
- Breaking window.onload limits
web graphics is a compilation of hypertext design resources, links, and commentary.
in Public bookmarks with css dom javascript scripting xhtml
- Cascading Style Shirts
T-Shirts for Webstandard-Fans
Cascading Style Shirts is the fashion home of the discerning web builder
shirts style
in Public bookmarks with css shopping
- clagnut/blog: Variable fixed width layout
Variable fixed width layout
There’s an different approach to web page layout which is gradually getting some traction. The idea is that the layout is changed to best accommodate the window size.
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in Public bookmarks with css javascript xhtml
- Code Style: Font sampler
Subsection for font-family properties of Cascading Style Sheets
in Public bookmarks with cross-browser css reference webdesign by 6 users
- CSS Color Chart
in Public bookmarks with colours css by 8 users
- CSS Crossfader
A blog that gives perspectives on technology and business. The target audience includes programmers, IT workers, small businesspeople, and entrepreneurs.
books business development entrepreneur programming small software
in Public bookmarks with ajax css scripting by 2 users
- CSS Import™ | The CSS Gallery
Optisch nette CSS Gallery
in Public bookmarks with css gallery inspiration by 17 users
- CSS Insider
Fresh CSS News
in Public bookmarks with blog css standards by 2 users
- CSS Mania
Neat CSS Gallery
CSS Galleries
in Public bookmarks with css gallery by 27 users
- CSS News
in Public bookmarks with css webdesign
- CSSMate - Inline CSS Editing
Firefox Extension
in Public bookmarks with css extension firefox
- Department of Spanish and Portuguese
UC Berkeley California
Spanish -
blog spanish
in Public bookmarks with css design inspiration typography webdesign
- Dustin Diaz - Source Order and Skip Links
in Public bookmarks with css webdesign xhtml by 6 users
- EasyCSS 2003
EasyCSS 2003, Download virengeprüft und kostenlos. EasyCSS 2003 1.0.9: Webseitenlayout leicht gemacht. EasyCSS ist ein leistungsstarker CSS-Editor. Die Freeware hilft Ihnen bei der Arbeit mit CSS-Dokumenten
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in Public bookmarks with css editor
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