- A Swarm of Angels // Remixing cinema
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- Brightidea.com
On Demand Innovation Management Software
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration
- Current_ Your World View
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- FrontPage
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration software test web wiki by 2 users
- Google News
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration web2.0 wiki by 31 users
- Intranet, Group Calendar, Small Business Organizer: Backpack
Backpack is a personal and small business information management, intranet, and to do list organizer.
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in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration web2.0 by 38 users
- MindMeister
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in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration mindmaps by 2 users
- MOD Films
remixable films and tools for film reuse
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- Ning - Create your own Social Networks!
The World's Largest Platform for Creating Social Websites™
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration sociology web2.0 by 97 users
- Online Office, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, CRM and more
Zoho offers a suite of online web applications geared towards increasing your productivity and offering easy collaboration. Zoho's online office tools include a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation tool, hosted wiki, notebook, CRM, Database software etc
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in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration web2.0 by 85 users
- Open Handset Alliance
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration by 2 users
- Project management, collaboration, and task software: Basecamp
Trusted by millions, Basecamp is the leading web-based project management and collaboration tool. To-dos, files, messages, schedules, and milestones.
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with 2.0 collaboration web by 31 users
- Ruby on Rails
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration web2.0 by 31 users
- Ruby on Rails
Ta-da List is the web's simplest and fastest to-do list maker. Ta-da even works on the iPhone.
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in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration todo web2.0 by 2 users
- Simple small business software, collaboration, CRM: 37signals
Goodbye to bloat. Simple, focused software that does just what you need and nothing you don't
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration software web2.0 by 28 users
- Stixy Company Profile
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- The Open Source Definition
Open Source Initiative
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration software by 2 users
- We Are Smarter Than Me | Home
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with blog collaboration wiki
- WebEx
Web Conferencing & Meetings, Video Conference, Net Meeting, Webinar Solutions
WebEx offers collaboration solutions for online meetings, remote support, and webinars and online events.
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in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration web by 23 users
- Wisia
The Wisdom of Crowds. Ask your question. Rally the crowd.
in Zigtag Imported Bookmarks with collaboration
collaboration from all users