- Is Another Baby Cruise On The Way?
I sure do hope Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are expecting another baby, they make stunning kids, take a look at Suri! In regards to the pants, who cares, she's so beautiful, dressed up or down.
in Public bookmarks with celebrity cruise holmes katie pants pregnant suri tom toms
Note: Is Another Baby Cruise On The Way?
- Tom Cruise iPhone Friendly Website
I just got my iPhone a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it! I checked out the Tom Cruise site, followed the instructions in that cool little video, and wow, looks amazing. I really thought that little video was exagerrating the images, but NOPE, looks just as good on my phone.
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Note: Tom Cruise iPhone Friendly Website
- Tom Cruise's Super Funny Cameo
I finally went to check out the movie Tropic Thunder, and I must admit, Tom Cruise was hillarious! He completely stole the movie, I was laughing so hard during his cameo. He is truly the best actor of all time!
in Public bookmarks with actor cameo celebrity comedian comedy critic cruise movie review thunder tom toms tropic
Note: Tom Cruise's Super Funny Cameo
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