Celebrating The Talented Mr. Cruise In this article, Tom Cruise is described as one of the most talented and influential actors of our time. The article also highlights the fact that no matter what you may think about Tom Cruise personally, there is no denying the impact he has had in Hollywood and the movie business. The montage on the new Tom Cruise website is a wonderful tribute to his succesful movie career. in Public bookmarkswith acknowledgmentactorblockbusterbusinesscareercelebritiescelebrity Note: Celebrating The Talented Mr. Cruise
Tom Cruise MTV Montage This montage is also available at www.tomcruise.com, it has highlights of the past 25 years of Tom Cruise movies. Tom Cruise is definitely one of the best actors of all time. He deserves so much more recognition for what he has been able contributed to the movie industry during his career. The talent he has is undeniable. in Public bookmarkswith actingactoractorscareercelebritiescelebrityclipcruise Note: Tom Cruise MTV Montage