ESL/ELL Shop by Subject - Teachers - Learning Resources® sells many manipulatives that support instuction for ELLs. See the reading rods and the math manipulatives. Recommended by Amy Haber Succeed in the classroom with our ESL teaching materials at Learning Resources®. Begin teaching ESL with phonics materials like our Reading Rods®. Our ESL teaching materials are designed for a hands-on approach to language learning. with learningmanipulativematerialsresources
IRC's ESL & Bilingual Teachers' Toolkit - Home The ESL Materials recommended by the Illinois Resource Center are in this site. Try "Browse Resources" to get an idea of what's here. "Advanced Search" gives you even more ways to find things. Some of the resouces we like the best will be added to this section. with eslircmaterialsrecommendedresources
Reading Manipulatives | Second Language Reading Manipulatives products complement bilingual programs and can be core program components in SEI programs. The site lists the many reasons that manipulatives are effective for teaching literacy skills to ELLs. Recommended by Amy Haber with ellsmanipulativesmaterials