- PHP equivalents
in Public bookmarks with gratuit html_xhtml javascript outils php
- 21XII2005_LIVRE_BLANC_AXIDEA_VDEF.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Gestion de contenu web : 15 CMS open source passés au crible. <!> PDF </!>
in Public bookmarks with gestion_de_contenu opensource php wysiwyg
- Artichow, librairie graphique pour PHP
Artichow est une librairie qui permet de créer simplement des graphiques avec PHP et GD. Elle permet notamment de générer des courbes, des histogrammes ou encore des camemberts et bien plus encore.
in Public bookmarks with opensource php
- BlocNotes
BlocNotes avec des bouts de codes et des liens.
in Public bookmarks with javascript outils perso php
- Developpez
Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones
Club des professionnels en informatique : Forum, Cours et tutoriels : Delphi, C, C++, Java, VB, DotNET, C#, PHP, ASP, UML
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in Public bookmarks with html_xhtml javascript php by 4 users
- Dynamic Text Replacement
Articles: Dynamic Text Replacement
Using PHP JavaScript, and CSS for text image replacement
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in Public bookmarks with accessibilité css design html_xhtml javascript php by 3 users
- Easy Reflexions
Easy Reflexions, images réfléchies en PHP
in Public bookmarks with design outils php by 2 users
- http://www.jarodxxx.com/public/fichiers/export_sql_ville_de_france.sql
in Public bookmarks with html_xhtml php
- HttpClient - a PHP Web Client Class
HttpClient is a client class for the HTTP protocol. It can be used to interact with another web server from within a PHP script.
in Public bookmarks with php
- Invano
Photoshop Tutorials, PHP Snippets, PHP, HTML, Security, Free Templates
High class Photoshop tutorials, tips, and tricks. Tutorials based on other programming languages with much more freebies and anything that a web designer needs.
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in Public bookmarks with css html_xhtml photoshop php tutoriaux
- Koders
Source Code Search Engine
Search more than 3.3b lines of open source code from the world�s leading open source repositories. Plugins available for Eclipse and Visual Studio.
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in Public bookmarks with opensource php by 43 users
- Les petits papiers de SQLPro
Représentation intervallaire des arborescences - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones
Le langage de requête SQL, décrit en long en large et en travers... Arbres et arborescense.
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in Public bookmarks with html_xhtml mysql php
- Liste des villes de france avec coordonées GPS et les departements V2
Jarod xXx - Developpeur web 2.0 et etre humain - PHP, ressources pour webmaster
in Public bookmarks with php
- NAS Uploader, demo upload multifichiers en flash et/ou Ajax
multiple file uploader
in Public bookmarks with flash html_xhtml javascript php
- PHP : Gestion de dates
D Wojylac Les Coins
page erreur
erreur page
in Public bookmarks with php
- PHP fonctions, bibliothèque de fonctions PHP
in Public bookmarks with php
- PHP optimization
Optimisation relative aux scripts PHP
in Public bookmarks with php
- PHP Pair Impair
Permet de savoir si un chiffre est pair ou impair
Permet de savoir si un chiffre est pair ou impair
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in Public bookmarks with php
- PHP: date - Manual
in Public bookmarks with php by 3 users (all private)
- QuickRef.org
all your docs are belong to us - PHP, Perl, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Ruby, and more
in Public bookmarks with css html_xhtml javascript php
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