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  • Contact high
    Hitting the right spot during partner sex just got a whole lot easier thanks to this clever vibrating cock ring. No confusing battery packs to wind around you as you change positions: the extra-long extension vibrates gently whenever you make contact with it. And, the greater surface area of ring plus extension makes it easier to hit the clit (even when used over a dildo) from a wide variety of angles. Turn it upside down to buzz your balls during partner sex or masturbation. Blue. Size: Stretches to 4 diameter Material: Elastomer Texture: Nubbly and soft Shape: Non-realistic Waterproof: No Vibration Settings: Single Strength: 2 Pitch: High-pitched buzz Volume: 2 Batteries: 1 watch (included) Harness Compatible: Yes Attachments: N/A Attaches to: Dildos a...
    in Pick Me Up with easier hitting partner pick right sex spot whole
  • WaMu account
    Managing your account is easier than ever – register for FREE online servicing to pay your bill automatically, get e-mail alerts, track your monthly spending, and more.
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