Home Page - SWiK OpenSource project database SWiK is a project to document open source software. SWiK is both a marketing project for SourceLabs and a public service to the open source community, to encourage open source to thrive and grow. Additionally, SWiK can serve as a general purpose wiki. in Public bookmarkswith databaseopen_sourceprojectsoftwarewikiby 3 users
HomePage This wiki is dedicated to GettingThingsDone, a book by DavidAllen whose apt subtitle is "The Art of Stress-Free Productivity." FlexWiki is the name of the software at this site. in Public bookmarkswith gtdwikiby 5 users
KwikiKwiki - The Official Kwiki Web Site Kwiki is perhaps the simplest to install, most modular, and easiest to extend Wiki. A Wiki allows users to freely create and edit web pages in any web browser. Kwiki is Open Source Software written in Perl, and is available on CPAN. in Public bookmarkswith softwarewiki