- Keyphrene - Naja Homepage
Naja is a download manager and a website grabber. You can add some plugins (newsreader, FTP client and WebDAV client) and take control of your downloads from your office.
naja, downloader for windows, linux and MacOS X, download manager, website grabber, ftp client, ftps client, sftp client, webdav client, newsreader, newsgrabber, newsgroup grabber, newsposter, newsletter's editor online Wysiwyg, python binding for LibSSH2, PyLogAlyzer
aspirate download downloader extract ft grabber image manager naja news newsgrabber newsgroup nntp python uue website wxpython
in Public bookmarks with download_manager ftp newsreader open_source python web_crawler webdav
- WebDAV Resources
" Briefly: WebDAV stands for
Central resource site for the WebDAV community.
authoring dav distributed remote web webdav
in Public bookmarks with internet software webdav by 3 users
webdav from all users