- /packer/
A JavaScript Compressor/Obfuscator
A Javascript compressor.
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in Public bookmarks with compressor javascript obfuscator online_tools by 7 users
- bgMaker
|| Background maker || Tiled Background generator | Web Background maker
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- BitComet FLV Downloader
Video Downloader.
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in Public bookmarks with download flv online_tools by 3 users
- Buttonator
in Public bookmarks with online_tools web_dev webmaster by 19 users
- Clean CSS
A Resource for Web Designers - Optmize and Format your CSS
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in Public bookmarks with css free online_tools web_design by 19 users
- Cool Text
Logo and Graphics Generator
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- Dynamic Drive online tools
Button Maker
in Public bookmarks with online_tools webmaster by 4 users
- FavIcon from Pics -- how to create a favicon.ico for your website
the first web tool for creating still / animated favicons from regular images
Free and easy to use online tool that can create favicon (.ico) images for browser address bars, favorites and tabs, from pictures, logos and other graphics.
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- favicon.ico Generator
favicon.cc is a tool to create or download favicon.ico icons, that get displayed in the address bar of every browser.
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- GraffitiCreator.Net
Create your own graffiti online!
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in Public bookmarks with generator gr8 graffiti online_tools by 5 users
- HTML CSS PHP Template Generator
Code for 2 column header footer layout (tableless)
Free php css html code maker / generator for a complete php web page that is modern modular design template i.e. page consist of external style sheet and php includes to pull the pieces together for a professional page
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in Public bookmarks with code_generation css free generator online_tools templates by 3 users
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- List-u-Like CSS Generator - create cross-browser list-based navigation bars with ease
List-u-Like CSS Generator
Create cross-browser list-based navigation bars with ease
in Public bookmarks with code_generation css online_tools web_master by 3 users
- mediaremix
in Public bookmarks with online_tools by 2 users
- vixy.net
Online FLV Converter : Download online videos direct to PC / iPod / PSP. It's free!
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- Warning Label Generator
The Warning Label Generator is a fun way to generate your own warning labels!
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in Public bookmarks with online_tools warning_label by 17 users
- Web Applications & Web 2.0 List, Free Web Based Tools
What is Web 2.0? Our definition is any web based program (tools programmed in/as JAVA applet, Javascript, PHP, ASP, C+, etc) that helps complete a task (simple to difficult, simple hosting to advanced script generators) or create a file/function. Here you will find hundreds of online Web 2.0 applications that help you with everyday computer tasks. Web 2.0 software will eventually
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in Public bookmarks with free online_tools by 5 users
- Web Form Factory (v0.1.6 beta) - Open Source Web Form Generator
Web Form Factory is an open source web form generator which automatically generates the necessary backend code to tie your form to a database. By generating the backend code for you, WFF saves you time... time you could spend doing more interesting stuff.
Web Form Factory, (WFF) is a web form generator which automatically generates tested web form code that you can use with PHP4/PHP5
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in Public bookmarks with form free generator online_tools open_source php by 11 users
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