- 8085 Simulator IDE with Basic Compiler, Assembler, Disassembler and Debugger
in Public bookmarks with assembler debugging disassembler for:frankpassas simulator
- DBG | Tool for debugging and profiling PHP applications | PHP for Linux, Windows and Unix | Apache, PHP | Debugger and Profi...
Promising debugger / ide
The best PHP debugger. Now you may debug your php scripts without modify anything, on your production or development WEB server!
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in Public bookmarks with debugging ide php web_dev
- DBG | Tool for debugging and profiling PHP applications | PHP for Linux, Windows and Unix | Apache, PHP | Debugger and Profi...
DBG is a a full-featured php debugger, an interactive tool that helps you debugging php scripts. It works on a production and/or development WEB server and allows you debug your scripts locally or remotely, from an IDE or console.
The best PHP debugger. Now you may debug your php scripts without modify anything, on your production or development WEB server!
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in Public bookmarks with dbg debugging php web_dev by 2 users
- Firebug Lite
Firebug is an extension for Firefox, but what happens when you need to test your pages in Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari? If you are using console.log() to write to Firebug's console, you'll wind up with JavaScript errors in these other browsers, an
in Public bookmarks with browser debugging extension firefox for:fajardas for:farierep for:mmrdsv ie opera web_dev
- Gubed PHP Debugger - Home
in Public bookmarks with debugging open_source php programming
- JSLint, The JavaScript Verifier
in Public bookmarks with debugging javascript tool validation by 5 users
- Protoeditor
in Public bookmarks with debugging editing kde linux open_source programming software
- Valgrind Home
Valgrind is an award-winning suite of tools for debugging and profiling Linux programs. With the tools that come with Valgrind, you can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, avoiding hours of frustrating bug-hunting, making your
Official Home Page for valgrind, a suite of tools for debugging and profiling. Automatically detect memory management and threading bugs, and perform detailed profiling. The current stable version is valgrind-3.7.0.
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in Public bookmarks with debugging development linux tools by 2 users
- Venkman JavaScript Debugger
Don't cross the streams
in Public bookmarks with debugging firefox javascript mozilla programming by 5 users
- Venkman JavaScript Debugger - Development Page
javascript debugger
in Public bookmarks with debugging javascript programming web_dev by 2 users
- Winpdb
An Advanced Python Debugger
in Public bookmarks with debugging open_source programming python
- YSlow for Firebug
in Public bookmarks with debugging development extension firefox tool usability web_dev by 11 users
debugging from all users