- WebMD - Better Information. Better Health.
The leading source for trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information. Providing credible health information, supportive community, and educational services by blending award-winning expertise in content, community services, expert commentary, and medical review.
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- What Best Explains the Success of Facebook? (SocialComputingMagazine.com)
Membahas enam faktor kesuksesan facebook. # Koleksi; ada catatan bagaimana bisa kenal. # Not invited to the party? Aneh, kok ini jadi kesuksesan ya? # Membuka tirai; status terakhir teman # Orang-orang seperti kita; jenjang tidak terlalu jauh (25 ke a
Facebook has been getting a lot of UK press of late, from consideration of how much it is worth, to privacy issues, <a href='http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/05/22/keele_facebook/' target='_blank' title='Keele University: not a great example of free speech'>universities getting annoyed</a> at students using it to criticize staff, being <a href='http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technol
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- Who is Hosting This?
Layanan web sederhana untuk mencari inang suatu server web.
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- Widgetbox › Directory of web widgets for WordPress, TypePad, MySpace and other blogs and web pages
Mobile web apps, web widgets and rich media powered by the Flite Engagement Platform.
with widget by 65 users
- Widgets 1.0 Requirements
Widget atau gadget biasanya adalah suatu aplikasi web sisi klien untuk menampilkan dan memperbarui data ''remote'' yang dipaketkan sedemikan sehingga dapat diunduh dan diinstalasi secara tunggal pada mesin klien.
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- WikiMindMap
WikiMindMap is a tool to browse easily and efficiently in Wiki content, inspired by the mindmap technique
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with wikipedia by 7 users
- Wikipedia mailing archive in Gossamer-Threads
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- WikiYou
WikiYou adalah suatu situs jaringan sosial lain dalam bentuk wiki untuk membuat biografi orang di dunia. Terkoneksi dengan facebook.
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- Windows Guy Tries Ubuntu 7.04
Pengalaman pertama seorang pengguna mahir Windows menggunakan Ubuntu :)
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- WordNet Search - 3.0
with kamus
- Words and what not: Who cares about the process ...
with wikimedia
- Write Articles, Not Blog Postings (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Anjuran dari Jakob Nielsen, pakar kebergunaan web, tentang tulisan di blog.
To demonstrate world-class expertise, avoid quickly written, shallow postings. Instead, invest your time in thorough, value-added content that attracts paying customers.
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- Yahoo! UI Library (YUI)
with javascript by 40 users
- Zentrack - Help Desk and Bug Tracking Software
with groupware
- Zoho - Online Office, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, CRM and more
Menyediakan aplikasi perkantoran, pengolah kata, lembar sebar, presentasi, dll.
Zoho offers a suite of online web applications geared towards increasing your productivity and offering easy collaboration. Zoho's online office tools include a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation tool, hosted wiki, notebook, CRM, Database software etc
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with layanan-web produktivitas by 85 users
- zuPort: Flickr
zuPort: Flickr | Facebook
with facebook
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