- Ruby on Rails
with ruby by 28 users
- script.aculo.us - web 2.0 javascript
with ajax javascript by 70 users
- Serendipity Weblog System
with blog perangkat-lunak sumber-terbuka by 5 users
- SIW | System Information for Windows
Perkakas sistem informasi windows yang menampilkan informasi detil mengenai properti dan pengaturan sistem. Terbagi menjadi perangkat lunak, perangkat keras, jaringan, perkakas, dan monitor waktu riil.
SIW is an utility that includes detailed specs for Software (Processes,Services,Users,Open Files), Hardware (Motherboard,Sensors,BIOS,CPU,Memory,Video Card,Monitor,Disk Drives) and Network (Network Cards,Shares,Open Ports).
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with perkakas windows by 13 users
- Sizer
Perkakas yang menyediakan fasilitas mengubah ukuran layar dengan klik kanan pada tombol "maximize" di window manapun
with freeware perkakas windows by 7 users
- Slipstick Systems Exchange and Outlook Solutions Center
Utilities, how to's, code samples, discussions, chats, and other resources and other solutions for Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange
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with outlook by 6 users
- SnapWiki
Situs penerjemahan layanan snap.com
main page snap translations
with layanan-web penerjemahan
- Snipshot: Edit pictures online
Layanan web untuk mengedit gambar secara terhubung. Hmmm, perlu kah meninggalkan Adobe Photoshop? :)
Snipshot is a fast online image editor. You can use it right from your browser, no downloads or Flash required.
with foto layanan-web by 38 users
- Social Computing Magazine
Social Computing Magazine is an open forum flourishing at the intersection of the Internet, society, collective intelligence, and the future; its aim is to showcase insights, initiatives and information regarding the user-centric New Web / Living Web / Read-Write Web.
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with jaringan-sosial by 2 users
- Socialstream
Suatu proyek yang disponsori oleh google di Carnegie Mellon untuk menyusun ulang konsep jaringan sosial.
with jaringan-sosial by 4 users
- Spout – Sign up with our online film community
with layanan-web tv by 6 users
- StarDict
with kamus by 5 users
- Step-by-step chapter creation guide - Meta
Langkah-langkah pembentukan cabang lokal Wikimedia
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with wikimedia
- The lamest Wikipedia edits
with wikipedia
- The Tagging Toolbox: 30+ Tagging Tools
Daftar situs-situs web yang berhubunganan dengan pengetagan.
See also: World’s First Review of Streamy - The AJAX-based Digg Rival -- Tags - for some, one of the best ideas on the web, for others, merely
with daftar situs-web tag by 8 users
- Top Google search tips | Technology | Guardian Unlimited Technology
with google pencarian by 2 users
- Wakoopa
Wakoopa tracks what kind of software or games you use, and lets you create your own software profile. Discover the best software and get to know who use 'em, for how long and why.
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with jaringan-sosial web2.0 by 3 users
- Warehouse — Subversion Browser
Warehouse is a web-based subversion browser with a beautifuly simple design that lets you manage your subversion repositories and permissions on the web.
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with kontrol-sumber by 4 users
- Web 2.0 Directory : eConsultant
with web2.0 by 9 users
- Web 2.0 how-to design style guide
Your complete guide to Web 2.0 design style. I talk you through the elements of web2.0 design, and show you how to do web design 2.0
with desain-web web2.0 by 30 users
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