- Dill Pickles Recipe - Homemade Dill Pickles Recipe
If you're like me and you enjoy cooking processes that take a bit of time, you'll love this recipe for delicious homemade dill pickles. It's a relaxing, simple activity and it's something fun that you can even do with kids!
in Public bookmarks with preservationstorage recipes
- Eggs, Milk and Cheese…In the Freezer?
If you are a careful shopper you come across dandy bargains on perishable items that are approaching their “sell by” date. You may be wondering what you can do with all of these perishables to make sure they don’t, well ... perish! The answer, of course, is to freeze them. Yes, even the eggs, milk and cheese.
in Public bookmarks with food preservationstorage
- http://theproducelady.org/
The Produce Lady, Brenda Sutton, teaches farmers and consumers the wonders of locally grown fruits and vegetables. Not only does she share their nutritional value, she also demonstrates how to prepare them as tasty meals and snacks or preserve them to use
in Public bookmarks with food northcarolina preservationstorage recipe
- Lehman’s® Best Pressure Canners « Self Sufficient If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear
Lehman’s pressure canners are more expensive than some but they are a once-in-a-lifetime investment.
in Public bookmarks with food preservationstorage productreviews susubmitno
- Preserving Summer’s Bounty: Freezing Raspberries and Strawberries | Keeper of the Home
Though I've already shared how I go about freezing blueberries, my method for freezing raspberries and strawberries is somewhat different, because they can tend to be juicier fruits that stick together in the bag once frozen
in Public bookmarks with food preservationstorage
- The Million Dollar Question? | Food Storage Made Easy
People always say, “I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, how do I incorporate that into my Food Storage Plan?”.
in Public bookmarks with food preservationstorage
- Tips for Freezing Fresh Produce | Care2 Healthy & Green Living
How to freeze produce
in Public bookmarks with food preservationstorage
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