- All About Instant Messaging
The Duo take a look at the major instant-messaging services.
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- Always Check the Recipient of a Reply to a List Message
Don't send personal messages to millions. Double-check where you send your email, especially when you reply to a mailing list message.
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- Ask Before You Send Huge Attachments
Don't clog email systems without permission.
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- Avoid 'Me Too' Messages
"Me too" is not enough content, but too much annoyance.
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- Avoid Embarrassing Emails
Avoid embarrassing emails by sending them to yourself only (by default).
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- Be Careful with Irony in Emails
No, really! I mean it. Honestly!
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- Change a Thread's Subject When the Topic Changes
Panta rhei, all is flowing. Change occurs to an email thread's topic, and then the email's Subject should change, too.
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- Characters Absolutely Safe to Use in Plain Text Email
If you use only these characters, you can be absolutely sure your email will arrive and look as intended.
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- Characters Safe to Use in Email
Type whatever character you find on your keyboard, or whatever you need to express your thoughts in your language. Email must be able to handle it.
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- Check Other Replies Before Replying on a Mailing List
New ideas are better ideas. If you read all replies to a particular message on a mailing list before replying yourself, you can avoid repeating something that's already been said.
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- Clean Up Emails Before Forwarding Them
Forwarding emails is a great way of sharing ideas, but make sure the original idea is not hidden in obfuscation.
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- Do Away with Titles and Names in Emails
Dear Ms., Mrs. and Mr. Reader... fortunately, emails can often do without titles and names.
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- Don't Forward Hoaxes
Email hoaxes often contain stories that are intriguing, and sure to irritate. Here's how to spot and stop urban legends.
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- Forward Emails as Attachments Intelligently
Share emails by forwarding them in a smart and efficient manner.
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- hiddenMail.org Review
hiddenMail.org protects your email address from being collected by spammers by making it available only after prospective contacts have proved they're human.
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- How to Drive Away Your Readers
Follow these tips to create a site that people will never want to visit. Alternatively, learn what not to do, so that you can create a Web site that people love and stick with for a long time.
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- IncrediMail - Email has Finally Evolved
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- Instant Messaging_ Beware Unfriendly Services
The Duo discuss why the big three services don't play well together.
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- Is Your Site Cool_
How can you make your site more usable so that your readers can find the information they are looking for
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- Keep Emails Short
Do not intimidate recipients with too much text.
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