- Palisade Corporation at Risk Monte Carlo
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- Passive Personal Investment Strategies are More Time Efficient with Better Returns and Risk Control - Personal Investment Ma...
Passive Personal Investment Strategies are More Time Efficient with Better Returns and Risk Control - Personal Investment Management > Financial Planning and Investment Management Personal Efficiency Articles - Financial Articles, The scientific investment literature indicates that value added investment strategies usually are more time efficient. For example, given the diversification imperative, it is highly questionable whether the vast majority of individual investors should own any common stocks or bonds directly. Instead, they can achieve similar expected returns with less time, lower risk, lower cost, and low taxes by owning passively managed index mutual funds or exchange traded funds.
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- Risk Waters Group
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- Stay Invested in Securities Markets to Earn Risk Premiums
You must stay invested in the securities markets to earn market return risk premiums Securities markets pay risk premiums to risk takers You have to have
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- To estimate the future common stock risk premium, how might individual investors extrapolate from the past? - Personal Inves...
To estimate the future common stock risk premium, how might individual investors extrapolate from the past? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Returns and Securities Market Risk Premiums Articles - Financial Articles, The past is the only source of guidance on how securities markets might perform in the future. Investors face critical choices about which method to use when extrapolating from the past. A study by Professors Fama and French provides individual investors with important guidance on which scientific methods to use. With these methods, a real or non inflationary equity premium of between 3.8% and 4.8% could be a rationally derived estimate of the real forward equity premium.
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- What have average investment asset class risk premiums been over long periods? - Personal Investment Management > Investment...
What have average investment asset class risk premiums been over long periods? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Returns and Securities Market Risk Premiums Articles - Financial Articles, Over the past two hundred years, real or non inflationary equity market returns have averaged just under 7%. During the 19th century, cash and bond returns “were king” and additional equity risk returns were relatively small. In the 20th century and particularly during the second half of that century, investors were much more richly rewarded for carrying the risks associated with equity investments.
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- You must stay invested in the securities markets to earn market risk premiums - Personal Investment Management > Asset Alloc...
You must stay invested in the securities markets to earn market risk premiums - Personal Investment Management > Asset Allocation and Personal Investment Risk Tolerance Articles - Financial Articles, The securities markets pay risk premiums. You have to have your money invested and at risk to be paid a risk premium. Attempting to avoid risk or losses by jumping in and out to time the markets does not work. Scientific finance studies demonstrate the both amateurs and professionals are lousy at market timing.
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- Your Investment Risk Tolerance Drives Your Asset Allocation Decision
Your personal tolerance for investment risk should drive your asset allocation decision - A Tip from The Skilled Investor Your tolerance for investment risk
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