- What have average investment asset class risk premiums been over long periods? - Personal Investment Management > Investment...
What have average investment asset class risk premiums been over long periods? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Returns and Securities Market Risk Premiums Articles - Financial Articles, Over the past two hundred years, real or non inflationary equity market returns have averaged just under 7%. During the 19th century, cash and bond returns “were king” and additional equity risk returns were relatively small. In the 20th century and particularly during the second half of that century, investors were much more richly rewarded for carrying the risks associated with equity investments.
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- What is a well-diversified investment portfolio? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Article...
What is a well-diversified investment portfolio? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -- Reducing Your Portfolio Risk - Financial Articles, A well diversified portfolio contains a very large number of individual stocks and/or bonds that are selected without bias toward particular economic segments. A fully diversified portfolio will approximate the market. During the last twenty five years of the 20th century, fund portfolio assembly costs declined dramatically making fund investing a much more efficient and cost effective way to achieve diversification.
in Public bookmarks with articles asset diversification investment management personal portfolio well-diversified
- What is efficient market pricing in the securities markets? - Personal Investment Management > How Stock and Bond Markets Va...
What is efficient market pricing in the securities markets? - Personal Investment Management > How Stock and Bond Markets Value Investment Securities - Financial Articles, Efficient market pricing or the theory that known information is reflected in current securities prices has become very widely accepted with the scientific investment community. The preponderance of evidence is that securities markets are efficient and tend to reflect available information.
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- What is investment portfolio diversification? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -...
What is investment portfolio diversification? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -- Reducing Your Portfolio Risk - Financial Articles, When people speak of investment diversification, they may mean different things. Therefore, at the outset clear definitions are important. From the perspective of holding a well diversified investment portfolio according to scientific investment principles, the objective of diversification is to minimize or eliminate ‘unsystematic risk’ or those risks that are not related to the price volatility of the overall securities markets.
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- What is investment science? - Personal Investment Management > Scientific Investment Best Practices Articles - Financial Art...
What is investment science? - Personal Investment Management > Scientific Investment Best Practices Articles - Financial Articles, Investment science clarifies what is known about best investment practices by using objective academic sources. It sheds light on important investment subjects that remain uncertain.
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- What is the cost to individual investors of sub-optimal portfolio diversification? - Personal Investment Management > Invest...
What is the cost to individual investors of sub-optimal portfolio diversification? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -- Reducing Your Portfolio Risk - Financial Articles, Investors more easily understand investment costs that are directly measurable, such as fees deducted on investment statements. However, many investors ignore or are unaware of the “opportunity costs” of their sub optimal investment behaviors. Opportunity costs are usually much more difficult to measure directly, but can be even higher than the more visible costs that they do understand.
in Public bookmarks with cost diversification individual investment investors personal portfolio sub-optimal
- What should you look for in the financial media to improve your personal investment skills? - Personal Investment Management...
What should you look for in the financial media to improve your personal investment skills? - Personal Investment Management > Scientific Investment Best Practices Articles - Financial Articles, Use the financial media to develop a long term view of the economy. Ignore the ups and downs of individual firms and focus on learning about the underlying factors that drive the economy.
in Public bookmarks with financial investment management media personal practices scientific skills
- Which are the Best Personal Finance Blogs?
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- Why is diversification valuable to individual investors? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification...
Why is diversification valuable to individual investors? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -- Reducing Your Portfolio Risk - Financial Articles, Diversification is an extremely important investment strategy for every individual investor, and it is a genuinely free lunch. Increased diversification reduces portfolio risk or price volatility without a corresponding reduction in expected portfolio returns. Thus, if you fully diversify, you get something free – lower risk for the same expected return.
in Public bookmarks with asset diversification individual investment investors management personal valuable by 2 users
- Why is diversification valuable to individual investors? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification...
Why is diversification valuable to individual investors? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -- Reducing Your Portfolio Risk - Financial Articles, Diversification is an extremely important investment strategy for every individual investor, and it is a genuinely free lunch. Increased diversification reduces portfolio risk or price volatility without a corresponding reduction in expected portfolio returns. Thus, if you fully diversify, you get something free – lower risk for the same expected return.
in Public bookmarks with asset diversification individual investment investors management personal valuable by 2 users
- Your financial planning and investing strategies should have a scientific basis - Personal Financial Planning > Financial De...
Your financial planning and investing strategies should have a scientific basis - Personal Financial Planning > Financial Decision Rules - Financial Articles, A previous article in this category, The Solution ONLY follow financial strategies that are scientific, passive, diversified, savings focused, risk controlled, low cost, and tax efficient, suggested that individuals are much better off with a well considered financial viewpoint. A stable set of financial beliefs can help you to keep focused and on track throughout your life. This follow up article discusses the need for these beliefs to be based upon financial practices that have been established scientifically.
in Public bookmarks with basis financial investing personal planning rules scientific strategies
- Your investment portfolio and other property assets are simply your evolving estate - Personal Financial Planning > Financia...
Your investment portfolio and other property assets are simply your evolving estate - Personal Financial Planning > Financial Decision Rules - Financial Articles, Your investment portfolio and other property could become your estate at any time. As you proceed through life and become more successful financially, you need to monitor the size and trajectory of your potential estate assets. In particular, if you have responsibilities to others, you need to prepare appropriately for the day when your valuable assets become your estate. Prepare for your demise in advance. For the sake of your family, find a good estate lawyer sooner rather than when it is too late.
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- Your Investment Risk Tolerance Drives Your Asset Allocation Decision
Your personal tolerance for investment risk should drive your asset allocation decision - A Tip from The Skilled Investor Your tolerance for investment risk
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