- The economics of the financial advisory industry - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > P...
The economics of the financial advisory industry - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > Payment of Investment Advisors, Financial Planners, and Investment Counselors - Financial Articles, Everyone has similar, yet distinct, financial planning needs regarding their families' financial futures and, everyone needs sophisticated financial lifecycle planning. Whether wealthy or not yet wealthy, families need a personalized way to understand how their current financial behaviors could affect their families in the future. However, few people already own enough assets to justify the high cost of a competent and objective advisor.
in Public bookmarks with advisors advisory counselors economics financial industry investment payment
- The investment industry is not your investment partner - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Indust...
The investment industry is not your investment partner - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > Are Your Best Interests the Same as the Financial Services Industry? - Financial Articles, Individual investors need to understand that their interactions with financial industry intermediaries are a “zero sum game” before transactions and other costs and a “negative sum game” after costs. The industry’s visible fees and hidden costs can siphon away a significant part of potential returns without providing individual investors with commensurate value.
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