The Fund Authority Score System for Evaluating Mutual Funds and ETFs - The Skilled Investor's FUND AUTHORITY SCORES for Mutu... The Fund Authority Score System for Evaluating Mutual Funds and ETFs - The Skilled Investor's FUND AUTHORITY SCORES for Mutual Funds and ETFs - Financial Articles, Fund Authority Scores measure diversified investment fund cost, maturity, efficiency, and performance factors. Fund Authority Scores use only those objective measures that have been demonstrated in the financial research literature to be correlated with better investment results over long time horizons using a buy and hold personal investment strategy. Using a worst to best integer scale ranging from minus 10 to plus 10, Fund Authority Scores weight most heavily the effects of the investment expenses and costs that individual investors pay repeatedly. Additional weight is given to historical... in Public bookmarkswith authorityetfsevaluatingfundfundsmutualscoresystem