Evaluate historical investment performance, but only after using other investment screening criteria - The Skilled Investor'... Evaluate historical investment performance, but only after using other investment screening criteria - The Skilled Investor's FUND AUTHORITY SCORES for Mutual Funds and ETFs > Selecting Diversified Investment Funds -- Mutual Funds and ETFs - Financial Articles, Choosing only from among mutual funds and ETFs that have performed very well in the past can lead to significant selection mistakes and inferior personal portfolio returns. Previous superior or average fund performance simply does not predict similar fund performance in the future. However, there is modest evidence that substantially inferior past fund performance is more likely to lead to continued inferior performance in the future, which is probably due to the excess costs of substantially infe... in Public bookmarkswith criteriaevaluatehistoricalinvestmentinvestorsperformancescreeningskilled
Scientific mutual fund and ETF screening criteria -- a summary - The Skilled Investor's FUND AUTHORITY SCORES for Mutual Fun... Scientific mutual fund and ETF screening criteria -- a summary - The Skilled Investor's FUND AUTHORITY SCORES for Mutual Funds and ETFs > On-line Screening of ETFs and Mutual Funds - Financial Articles, The Skilled Investor Blog published a series of articles on scientifically based selection criteria for mutual funds and exchange traded funds or ETFs. Scientifically based selection criteria are rational fund screening rules. They help you to winnow down the thousands of available investment funds to a more manageable group for your more careful evaluation prior to investing. This article summarizes these selection criteria. in Public bookmarkswith criteriaetffundmutualscientificscreeningskilledsummary