- Dealing with Short TCP Flows: A Survey of Mice in Elephant Shoes
A research paper dealing with characterization of 'flows' through the tubez.
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- Quality Matters: Some Remarks on Internet Service Provisioning and Tariff Design
Current Internet service plans for residential customers offer little or no choice of different quality levels. Instead, the vast majority encourages waste and leads to user cross-subsidies.
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- Noncommand User Interfaces
Agents, Animated icons, BITPICT, DWIM, Embedded help, Eye tracking, Generations of user interfaces, Gestural interfaces, Help systems, Home computing, Interactive fiction, Interface paradigms, Noncommand based user interfaces, Prototyping, Usability heuristics, Virtual realities, Wizard of Oz method
Future UIs vs. today's canonical window system: user focus, computer's role, interface control, syntax, object visibility, interaction stream, bandwidth, tracking feedback, interface locus, user programming, software packaging
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