- Scintilla
Scintilla collects data from hundreds of news outlets, scientific blogs, journals and databases and then makes it easy for you to organise, share and discover exactly the type of information that you're interested in.
in Public bookmarks with nature news research science social_bookmarking social_networking weblogs by 2 users
- Scirus
Scirus - for scientific information
in Public bookmarks with databases research science search search_engines by 17 users
- Scitopia.org
in Public bookmarks with databases research science search search_engines by 2 users
- SciVee
A platform allowing scientists to share their research through any combination of text, video, audio, and online discussions.
in Public bookmarks with education research science social_bookmarking social_networking tools video by 5 users
- Scrible
Annotate, organize & collaborate on web pages.
in Public bookmarks with annotation clippings collaboration research social_bookmarking tools by 2 users
- Seed Magazine
Magazine dedicated to the fusion of art, culture, science, and technology.
in Public bookmarks with art culture magazines news research science technology by 9 users
The Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) is a Pan-European think tank exploring sustainable development options for European societies.
in Public bookmarks with europe organizations research sustainability
- Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Bibliotheek van het Smithsonian Institute (USA).
in Public bookmarks with libraries museums reference research science usa
- Social Issues Research Centre
A think tank on social issues, with reports written by prominent scientists and consultants. Based in the UK.
in Public bookmarks with issues organizations research science social_science society thinktanks trends uk by 2 users
- Social Situation Observatory EU
Monitors social and demographic trends and to analyse the factors underlying these so as to provide an input into the policy debate.
in Public bookmarks with demography european_union health policy research society trends
Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen.
in Public bookmarks with activism business corporations globalization multinationals netherlands ngo organizations research sustainability
- SURFfoundation
In de SURFfoundation werken Nederlandse hogescholen, universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen samen aan innovatieve projecten die de kwaliteit van het hoger onderwijs en onderzoek verbeteren. SURFfoundation initieert, regisseert en stimuleert ICT-vernieuwingen via kennisdeling, stimuleringsprogramma’s en partnerschappen.
in Public bookmarks with computer e-learning education ict innovation internet netherlands organizations research science universities
- SURFnet
SURFnet faciliteert grensverleggend onderwijs en onderzoek door middel van innovatieve netwerkdienstverlening.
in Public bookmarks with computer education ict innovation internet netherlands organizations research science universities
- SurveyMonkey.com
Skapa och lägg upp webbenkäter på några få minuter och se grafiska resultat i realtid. SurveyMonkey tillhandahåller gratis frågeformulär på webben och enkätmjukvara.
enkät enkäter frågeformulär gratis webbaserad webbaserade
in Public bookmarks with internet research software surveys tools by 42 users
- Taylor & Francis Group
International Academic Publishers.
in Public bookmarks with organizations publishers research science
- The Big View
Pondering the Big Questions.
in Public bookmarks with buddhism philosophy physics reference religion research science spirituality
- The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
An independent, not-for-profit media organisation that holds power to account. The organisation tackle big subjects through deep reporting that uncovers the truth.
in Public bookmarks with journalism media research
- The Daily Climate
The Daily Climate works to increase public understanding of climate disruption, including its scope and scale, potential solutions and the political processes that impede or advance them.
in Public bookmarks with climate environment news research weblogs
- The Lancet
Medisch tijdschrift.
in Public bookmarks with health journals medicine news research vws by 18 users
- The Pew Research Center
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
commentary feature featured index interest multi-section news pew publications report reports research secondary survey weekly
in Public bookmarks with issues media opinion organizations politics polls research statistics surveys usa by 5 users
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