- New Politics Institute
A think tank helping progressives understand today’s transformation of politics due to the tumultuous changes in technology, media and the demographics of the country.
in Public bookmarks with alternative media organizations politics progressive research technology thinktanks by 2 users
- NewAssignment.Net
in Public bookmarks with citizen_journalism journalism media news writing by 2 users
- Nieuwskaart van Nederland
in Public bookmarks with maps media netherlands news
- Ode
Een onafhankelijk opinietijdschrift over mensen en ideeën die de wereld veranderen.
in Public bookmarks with alternative creativity lifestyle magazines media netherlands ode society sustainability
- One11NL
Correspondenten en verslaggevers van diverse Nederlandse nieuwsmedia geven een stem aan gewone mensen in alle uithoeken van de wereld die iets willen oplossen, die niet bij de pakken neerzitten, die de mouwen opstropen.
in Public bookmarks with issues journalism journalists media news
- OpEdNews.Com
Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion.
Opednews.com Progressive, Liberal United States and International News, Opinion, Op-Eds and Politics
in Public bookmarks with alternative media news by 10 users
- Ourmedia
Ourmedia is a global community and learning center where you can gain visibility for your works of personal media.
in Public bookmarks with audio communities creative_commons media social_networking tools video by 17 users
- PerronE.nl
in Public bookmarks with european_union magazines media politics
- Plasticbag.org
A weblog concerning future media, social software and the web of data
in Public bookmarks with internet media software technology weblogs by 3 users
- Poynter
A school and resource for journalism.
in Public bookmarks with education journalism media organizations reference usa by 6 users
- Press Now
Press Now supports independent media in conflict regions and transition countries, with the aim to promote the development of open and democratic societies.
in Public bookmarks with democracy international_cooperation journalism media netherlands news organizations
- Presseurop
Europese website met een selectie uit recente artikelen over EU-onderwerpen uit 250 internationale kranten, tijdschriften en onlinepublicaties.
in Public bookmarks with european_union media news
- PressThink
Info about the press and the way they think.
in Public bookmarks with democracy journalism journalists media politics weblogs by 4 users
- Prospect Magazine
Magazine on government, journalism, policy making and business.
in Public bookmarks with culture journalism magazines media news philosophy politics uk weblogs
- Public Opinion analysis
Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur. Public Opinion Analysis sector of the European Commission. Surveys and studies address major topics concerning European citizenship: enlargement, social situation, health, culture, information technology, environment, the Euro, defence, etc.
in Public bookmarks with european_union issues marketing media opinion organizations participation polls research statistics surveys by 2 users
Het Platform Wetenschapscommunicatie is een informeel overlegorgaan van voorlichters en communicatieadviseurs die zich bezighouden met wetenschapscommunicatie.
in Public bookmarks with communication media netherlands news portals science
- Reporters Without Borders
Reporters Without Borders is a non-profit organisation which defends the freedom to be informed and to inform others throughout the (...)
in Public bookmarks with alternative media by 6 users
RNTC is a centre of excellence in the field of media, development and education.
in Public bookmarks with education international_cooperation journalism media netherlands news organizations
- RNW Media
A Dutch media organisation for social change. In parts of the world where change is hard to achieve because freedom of speech is restricted, RNW use media to make lives better.
in Public bookmarks with international media netherlands organizations radio society
- Sargasso Start
in Public bookmarks with directories media startpages
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