- V&A
Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world's greatest museum of art and design
art ceramics design factory fashion museum
in Public bookmarks with art culture design fashion history london museums uk by 3 users
- VeleHanden
Soort historische marktplaats, waarop musea, archieven en wetenschappelijke instellingen vrijwilligers mogen werven voor een afgebakend project.
in Public bookmarks with archives history search
- Victoria Research Web
A site devoted to Victorian literature, with an index of libraries and journals, teaching guides and syllabi, as well as links to related sites.
in Public bookmarks with art culture history literature reference research uk victorian
- Vijf eeuwen migratie
Informatie over de geschiedenis van migranten in Nederland tussen 1580-heden.
in Public bookmarks with history migration netherlands reference
- Virtual Shanghai
Virtual Shanghai is a research and resource platform on the history of Shanghai from the mid-nineteenth century to nowadays.
in Public bookmarks with china cities history maps photography shanghai
- VKGeschiedenis
Interactief geschiedenisplatform van de Volkskrant.
in Public bookmarks with history portals
- Wat Was Waar
Historische informatie over elke plek in Nederland.
in Public bookmarks with geography history maps netherlands
- Watersnoodmuseum
Ouwerkerk. Het museum geeft een beeld te geven van wat er is gebeurd tijdens en na de overstroming van 1 februari 1953.
in Public bookmarks with floods history museums netherlands sea water
- Wayback Machine
Internet Archive. Browse through 85 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago.
in Public bookmarks with databases demo history internet internet_archive reference search search_engines by 69 users
- Websophia
Een uitgebreide collectie "webwijsheid": gedichten, aforismen en essays, maar ook artikelen en samenvattingen die moeten bijdragen aan meer inzicht in onze samenleving, cultuur en politiek.
in Public bookmarks with culture essays history issues philosophy poetry society texts wisdom
- Wederopbouwdatabank
Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed deed onderzoek naar de architectuur en stedenbouw uit de wederopbouwperiode. De wederopbouwdatabank vormde het inventarisatie-instrument bij dat onderzoek. Het bevat de objectgegevens van de onderzochte gebouwen uit de periode 1940-1965 en incidenteel ook van latere jaren.
in Public bookmarks with architecture buildings cultural_heritage databases history netherlands urbanism war ww2
- WhoWhatWhen
A database of people and events from 1000 A.D. to the present.
events famous history people timelines
in Public bookmarks with databases history persons reference timeline visualization by 5 users
- Wide Urban World
A blog about cities as viewed from a broad historical and comparative perspective.
in Public bookmarks with anthropology cities history weblogs
- WOII Online
Overzicht van beschikbare, maar vooral betrouwbare kennis over de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
in Public bookmarks with history netherlands war ww2
- Women in Greek Myths
amazons goddess goddesses greek humans mythology myths nymphs women
in Public bookmarks with ancient greek history mythology women by 3 users
- World History Blog
in Public bookmarks with history weblogs
- World Myths and Legends in Art
in Public bookmarks with art history legends mythology
- World Wars in-depth
Explore how the world has been shaped by World Wars.
in Public bookmarks with bbc history war ww1 ww2
- Xtimeline
A wiki-like way of recording history.
xtimeline is a free website that lets you create timelines and explore timelines about history, biography and more.
in Public bookmarks with history reference social_networking timeline tools visualization by 6 users
- Your Daily Art
in Public bookmarks with art daily history weblogs
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