Comparing the Timer Classes in the .NET Framework Class Library Timers often play an important role in both client applications and server-based components (including Windows services). Writing effective timer-driven managed code requires a clear understanding of program flow and the subtleties of the .NET threading model. The .NET Framework Class Library provides three different timer classes: System.Windows.Forms.Timer, System.Timers.Timer, and System.Threading.Timer. Each of these classes has been designed and optimized for use in different situations. This article examines the three timer classes and helps you gain an understanding of how and when each class should be used. in Programování > .NETwith dotnettimer
RedFiveLabs Our .NET Compact Framework implementation brings .NET technology to the Symbian platform. It enables mobile applications targeting Microsoft's .NET Compact Framework 1.0 to run unchanged on Symbian OS (the operating system running the smartphones of, amongst others, Nokia and Sony Ericsson) in Programováníwith dotnetsymbian