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  • Buyers' Guide to Live Streaming Platforms
    March 11, 2020 By Jan Ozer Contributing Editor Featured Articles Buyers' Guide to Live Streaming Platforms This buyers' guide identifies common live-streaming use cases and suggests the features to look for and the services to consider for those use cases. I'll be focusing on services that transcode for traditional adaptive bitrate (ABR) delivery via HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) or DASH and not low-latency services for WebRTC or similar technologies. If your use case is not listed (we couldn't get them all), find one that's close in scale and the required feature set. 
    in Development > Video streaming with broadcasting dash hls live stream streaming transcoding video
  • How to live stream video from webcam on Linux - Xmodulo
    Have you ever wanted to live stream a video feed from your webcam for someone else? You could use any existing video chat software such as Skype, Google+ Hangouts. However, if you do not want to rely on any third-party streaming infrastructure, you can set up your own webcam streaming server in house. In this tutorial, I will describe how to live stream video from webcam by using VLC. VLC is an open-source, cross platform media player which can handle virtually all video and audio formats. VLC can also run as a streaming server supporting various streaming protocol such as RTP, HTTP, RTSP, etc.
    in Computers > Linux with linux stream streaming video vlc webcam
  • Viasat Sport Stream
    Channel Live Streaming
    in Computers > HTPC with online soccer sport stream streaming viasat

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