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  • EUFORES, European Forum for renewable Energy sources
    EUFORES was founded in 1995 as an independent non-profit organisation aiming at promoting renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in the European Union. EUFORES is a European parliamentary network with Members from all major political groups in the European Parliament as well as in the national and regional Parliaments of the EU Member States. Apart from the Members of Parliament, EUFORES is supported by a broad range of non-parliamentary members - renewable energy companies and associations, scientific institutes, energy agencies, NGOs and individuals who are strongly committed to renewable energy. EUFORES is financed by members' contributions, EU grants and private sponsorships.
    in environment with energy europe renewable-energy
  • IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
    The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) was officially established in Bonn on 26 January 2009. To Date 148 states and the European Union signed the Statute of the Agency; amongst them are 48 African, 38 European, 35 Asian, 17 American and 10 Australia/Oceania States.
    in environment with international renewable-energy
  • Renewable Energy World
    Renewable Energy News, Jobs, Events, Companies, and more
    in environment with international renewable-energy
  • WCRE - World council of renewable Energy
    Communicating the urgent and global need for Renewable Energies and their availability for all energy demands; Analysing the international barriers to Renewable Energies and preparing proposals to overcome these; Documenting experience of initiatives for Renewable Energies and communicating best-practice examples world-wide; Evaluating the advanced technological opportunities and applications of Renewable Energy Technologies M e a n s Supporting the creation of an International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); Organizing the "World Renewable Energy Forum"; Stimulating international organizations and governments for the creation of Renewable Energy Policies and Strategies; Informing globally on Renewable Energy activities and projects
    in environment with international renewable-energy

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