- Community standards and participation guidelines | Talk | guardian.co.uk
There are 10 guidelines which we expect all participants in the community areas of guardian.co.uk to abide by:
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- Dell Sucks (and P&G) -- BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis
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- demandmedia || Collaborative Video Blog
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- Design for Community: Excerpt: Chapter 9: A Conversation with Steve Champeon
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- digg
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- Downing Street Says...
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- Doxory
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- Emerald Wizard Radio - Alternative Music
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- Eurekster Home
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- Evite.com: The fun, free, online activity center that makes it easy to get people together!
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- evolt.org - Workers of the Web, evolt!
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- F*** My Life - FML. Your everyday life stories.
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- Film - FourDocs
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- Flak Magazine
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- FlickrLand March 2005 - a photoset on Flickr
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