- Improved Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice
Charles Miller's article, "Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice,"[1] describes a relatively secure approach to implementing the familiar "Remember Me" option for web sites. In this article, I propose an improvement that retains all the benefits of that approach but also makes it possible to detect when a persistent login cookie has been stolen and used by an attacker.
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- Particletree · 10 Tips To A Better Form
Particletree is the beginning of something. This place, this collection of knowledge, is a gathering of forces, a sharpening of skills.
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- Searching Help: Don’t Even Go There :: UXmatters
Web site user assistance that consistently exceeds customer’s expectations can catapult your company to legendary status and create brand equity you can measure in billions of dollars. However, making Help a strategic asset for your company is an arduous task. To shed light on this important topic, I have teamed up with Tricia Clement, a renowned cognitive psychologist and Web site user assistance expert. In this month’s Search Matters column, we’ll deliver actionable insights about Web site user assistance.
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