- Amazon.com: Public International Law in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series) (Nutshell Series): Thomas Buergenthal,Sean D. Murphy: B...
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- Atlanta Federal Reserve releases DVD aimed at helping banks prepare for disasters
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- BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Missile plan on Bush-Putin agenda
George Bush and Vladimir Putin meet in the Black Sea resort of Sochi for strategic talks, and join in a folk dance.
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- Billions of gallons of oil in North Dakota, Montana
A shale formation stretching North Dakota and Montana may have an estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil, according to a U.S. Geological Survey assessment . Known as the Bakken Formation, this find would make the recoverable
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- How to survive the Great Depression of 2008 - 2009
Bob gives his advice and predictions.
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- Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings
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SurveyMonkey.com is a revolutionary tool to create and publish custom surveys in minutes, and then view results graphically and in real time.
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- Take Your Money Back
All about the unfair system of taxation in America
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- Tannerite Exploding Targets from Tannerite Explosives Corporation - Manufacturer of High Explosives, Low Explosives and Fire...
Exploding targets. We sell a full line of high explosives from detonators to plastic hi-ex. We manufacture, train, import, contract blast. We work with individuals & government agencies in regards to storage, sales, safety & use. All inquiries welcome. Federal rules apply.
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- Williston Basin
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