Big WebOS roundup 10 online operating systems reviewed at franticindustries - web 2.0, social networking, IT technology trend - 10 web operating systems While we're waiting for Google to launch its own Google OS (if the rumours are true, of course), I've checked out 10 web operating systems and what they can do. Not many of them feel like finished and fully usable products, but there are some true gems among them. 2.0featuresreviewsweb in Public bookmarkswith 2.0franticindustriesonlineoperatingreviewedsocialsystemswebby 6 users
Unix Portal Nexenta OS Nexenta GNU OpenSolaris - NexentaOS is a complete GNU-based open source operating system built on top of the [WWW] OpenSolaris kernel and runtime. It is a result of our inspiration and desire to build a great system based on the best existing software SunOS kernel and GNU software. We use Debian Ubuntu - one of the best existing software distribution packaging mechanisms - to glue the numerous pieces together. Redmine bugissuetracker in Public bookmarkswith gnugnu-basednexentanexentaosopensolarisoperatingsource