Culture Change - Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America Culture Change, founded in 1988 (as Fossil Fuels Policy Action) by an energy analyst who published the Lundberg Letter on oil industry trends. We demonstrate alternatives to sprawl and petroleum dependence while fighting new road construction. Rather than market-oriented economic data, we provide concepts and solutions that involve the whole community. Culture Change demonstrates alternatives to sprawl and petroleum dependence while fighting new road construction. Rather than market-oriented economic data, we provide concepts and solutions that involve the whole community. Culture Change was founded in 1988 (as Fossil Fuels Policy Action) by an energy analyst who published the Lundberg Letter on oil industry trends. 9-11apmbushchangeculturedepavingenergyfossilfuelsiraqoffshoreoilpeacepetroleumseptsustainableterrorismwar with alt.-energysustainable