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  • - HVAC heating and Air Conditioning
    The HVAC system uses three closely related functions, namely, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning. These functions are uniquely set up so that they can regulate temperature and humidity in residential homes, public offices, and other building facilities with respect to the overall design of the structures. The heating system can either be central or local. The most commonly used setup is the central heating system where the heating is concentrated in one area—central—and is then circulated for various heating processes and applications. Heat values of fuels are based on BTU to cubic foot measurement for HVAC.
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  • - Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance
    There are many important reasons why you need to have maintenance performed by a professional on your air conditioning and heating equipment at various times of the year. Some people ignore maintenance altogether and only see a technician when their equipment fails to perform. Some people religiously subscribe to a maintenance program as performed by their local heating and cooling contractor. Then there are those people in between those two groups. Ignoring heating maintenance can become dangerous in more than one way. First of all, if we ignored our air conditioning maintenance and the air conditioner broke down in the summer (even in the worse heat wave), we could tolerate it enough to live through it. On the other hand or at the opposite end of the spec
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  • - Air Handler Checks
    An air handler is usually located in the garage, a closet, or in the attic (unless you have a package unit then the air handler is incorporated in the system). It can be a part of your furnace and houses the evaporator coils, the blower, and some controls. The air handler can be an upflow, downflow, or horizontal flow AHU (air handling unit). To determine which one you have follow the return duct. The return duct should originate where you put the filter and/or is the biggest register grill in the house. If the return ends in the bottom of the unit it is an upflow air handler. If the return duct ends in the top of the unit it is a downflow air handler. If the unit looks as if it is lying on it's side with the return duct coming in one side the supply ducts
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