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  • cloudcourse
    a course scheduling system. Built entirely on App Engine, CloudCourse allows anyone to create and track learning activities. It also offers calendaring, waitlist management and approval features. CloudCourse is fully integrated with Google Calendar and can be further customized for your organization with the following service provider interfaces (replaceable components): * Sync service - to sync CloudCourse data with your internal systems * Room info service - to schedule classes in your locations * User info service - to look up user profile (employee title, picture, etc)
    in Public bookmarks with cms course courseware event management schedule
  • NIXTY - Empowering Education for Everyone
    "an educational platform that students, educators, and institutions harness to meet their learning goals. Primary products include ePortfolios, Courses, WikiCourses, and Continuing Education Courses."
    in teaching with cms courseware free opensource syllabus by 2 users

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